Thursday, 10 March 2011


PANJIM: False and fake stories have been blurted by the suspended police officials involved in the murder of Cipriano Fernandes. It is evident and clear that Head Constable Shirvaikar is lying to protect himself, the PSI and the PI who are all suspended following the killing of NRI Cipriano in Panjim police custody.
In his final deposition, suspended head constable Sandip Shirvaikar on Wednesday admitted that he failed to send Cipriano Fernandes for medical examination after his arrest on January 7 and that he had been issued a memo by Police Inspector Sandesh Chodankar for the lapse.
This memo is nothing but a fake paper created later on given the standards of working of the Goa Police. There was no mention of this memo earlier by suspended PI Sandesh Chodankar. Suddenly from where did this memo issuance story come from?
In an apparent effort play down his lapse, he said he “forgot to carry out medical check up of the victim as I was busy with another case.” The Goa police never fail to send an arrested person for medical and this is done on a daily basis so why the lies now of a lapse in the procedure?
It is very clear that the NRI was killed and first and as such could not be taken for medical according to the eye witnesses who spoke to the media. The witnesses even said that Chodankar, PSI and Shirvaikar kicked the lifeless body of Cipriano to see whether he was alive and so why is Shirvaikar lying now?
Deposing before Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) Shabnam Sheikh, the head constable also stated that Georgina Nunes might have assaulted Cipriano before his arrest on January 7.
However, Shirvaikar said he was relying on rumours that Georgina had beaten up Cipriano before he was arrested on January 7.  “When she came to file a complaint against Cipriano of threatening her, she did not inform us that she had beaten up Cipriano. I heard people talking about Georgina beating him,” Shirvaikar, who stands suspended for procedural lapses, told the court.
Shirvaikar’s admission that he did not refer Cipriano for medical examination would gain greater weightage, if he had known at the time of Cipriano’s arrest that the victim was assaulted by Georgina.


  1. The main cause for Georgina instigating the arrest of Cipriano which was against all legal norms was because she was threatened by Cipriano and was afraid of her life and not the other way round as assumed by constable Shirvaikar. The more the lies he fabricates, the deeper the grave gets for him and his accomplices to the crime. What a Joke!!!!!! I am sure Goan Tiatrist could now write a play on the arrest, torture and death of Cipriano in police custody.This case of Cipriano is just dragging inspite of all the evidence, and its high time now the court gives its verdict in favour of the deceased, which is not a demand but a principle of facts, truth, all based on documented evidence from the medical reports, to Key witnesses involved. The men in uniform are the Criminals and need to be sentenced. Let the body of Cipriano be laid to rest in a humanely dignified manner, befitting to humanity.

  2. Gua Pulis are famous for torturing and killing and then lying. when did they accepted that they are criminals in uniform? Still, I read today in another article that another Nigerian is caught with drugs. The HM is saying there are no drugs in Goa. Lies, lies and lies. The present government of Cowmuth is famous in telling lies, the police are famous for telling lies. The fate of Goans lies in each one's hands. Elect the same corrupt and criminal people time and again and invite the worst. It is time for Goans to kick out Congress in the first place. I am not a favourite of BJP either but it was still better rule under them if not they indulged in communual disharmony. There was adminstration.

  3. If PI Sandesh Chodankar is given a clean chit in this case, then people of Goa should stone him and his family to death.

  4. N.Fernandes-London11 March 2011 at 07:27

    HA! HA! HA!...this Policemans jokes on the truth are getting better each day.
    Perhaps some of those low mentality & uneducated parasites of Goan origin in Dubai,, that invite Churchill for their functions, could also do with this Cop.These 2 liars and corrupt idiots will make a good duo in any Konkani Tiatr.
    Both , I am sure need or have Divine intervention ,at all times in their lives.
    Behnd his ofice desk Churchill is in conversation and orders of the devil.when he is in front of those Dubai Goans that invite him to their functions,he becomes Saint Churchill of Varca.These Dubai Goans I am sure prostrate in front of Churchill and no doubt kiss his feet too in adoration.Thes Dubai Goans do not realise that Churchill has just robbed & looted their own familes back in Goa to give them a Donation in Dubai.These guys are plain mugs.
    Have these Dubai Goans that invite Churchill, ever considered why no other Goans around the world invite Goan Politicians.Even Goans in India , like Mumbai give a flipping toss about Churchill and Valanka.
    The Mumbai Goans would surely feed Churchill to the Vultures that fly about Mumbai scavenging dead Parsi (Zoroastrian) bodies.

  5. This is an amazing new twist in this police potboiler...awesome. So it now occurs that the female wrestler Georgina beat up Cipriano, then complained to the police against Cipriano's retaliatory threat, the police moved in and finished Cipriano off.
    The pathetic liars that these 3 police are, conveniently, selectively forgetting their evil deeds, try to pass the buck to everyone else, other than themselves. First it was Cipriano, being heavily drunk & picking fights with everyone in family, then the hospital staff being blamed for mis handling Cipriano, and now this. Next they will claim that the medical, Boucet & SDM reports plus the 2 witnesses testifying to this crime all have an enmity with the police for some reason.
    Lets wait for the next set of lies & deception.
    All those involved in this crime must be convicted and sentenced to jail for life, they are dangerous if free in society< Goans must come to the street in large numbers to get immediate justice for Cipriano and others who have lost their lives at police hands or being harassed.


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