In the recently passed UN resolution mandating UN to implement No Fly Zone over Libya, India along with Brazil, China, Russia abstained from voting in the resolution thereby converting India’s status as that of a dumb Goat. Abstaining from voicing its opinion either for or against is a job of a Dumb. Is India such a mighty power so impotent to voice its opinion on such an important and crucial issue? If tomorrow India gets a Seat in UN as permanent Member wielding even a Veto power then what will be India’s position? How the weak nations and weak people attacked and massacred by the brute powers and dictatorial governments will get help from India which is on record to support the human rights all over the World?

When East Pakistani Bengalis started demanding liberties and democratic rights for them from West Pakistan, Gen. Yaha Khan the president of Pakistan instructed his military in East Pakistan to commit rapes and genocide on Bengali people. Because of this there was turmoil in East Pakistan forcing people there to flee to India. Bengali refugees started pouring into India forcing India to raise its voice against the catastrophic calamity taking place in East Pakistan finally provoking India to wage a deadly war against Pakistan in East Pakistan till East Pakistan was liberated from the West. When India is on record to wage a war against neighbouring country to stop it from brutalising its own citizens then why not India openly side with the suppressed people of Libya who are asking democratic rights for them? Moreover, huge number of suppressed Libyans are fleeing to Italy as refugees to avoid persecution of Ghaddafi in their own land just like East Pakistani Bengalis were doing under the persecution of Gen. Yaha Khan.
India is looked upon by the suppressed people all around the globe as protector of their rights and privileges and suppressed Libyan people were expecting India not only to support their cause openly but also to condemn Ghaddafi and his dictatorial regime. By keeping its neutrality India put itself into a shame in the eyes of the democratic World. This was never expected from India that is championing democracy and the cause of suppressed people all around the world.
On behalf of all the suppressed people demanding democratic rights for them I condemn India’s stand on Libya. India showed its acceptance of Ghaddafi’s brutalising of his own Arab Muslim people in its Eastern sector. India professes to be the champion of democracy but in Libyan case India proved its campaign for democracy is nothing but a big Hoax. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in his masterpiece “If I Am Assassinated” written from the prison cell where he was confined before facing the gallows said that India remained united after its independence only because of its shout of democracy which is nothing but a big Hoax. If India remained as India till now it is only because of its democratic slogan thru which it kept itself as a homogeneous entity, otherwise India is not a true democracy, people are fooled in India in the name of the “Mantra” called democracy.
According to me India is not the supporter of democracy, for its selfish benefits it supports even anti-democratic and undemocratic regimes and dictators. During the invasion of Kuwait India also played its dirty dual role of Dr. Jackyl and Mr. Hyde by showing its neutrality instead of condemning Saddam Hussein for illegally invading Kuwait. Moreover, it sent its Foreign Minister Gujral to Baghdad to embrace Saddam Hussein and to kiss his hand thereby approving Saddam Hussein as a hero for invading Kuwait? India is governed by a few people having love for dictatorship in the name of democracy. With the Lollipop of democracy in its hand India is fooling the poor Indian masses who do not understand democracy. India is ruled by a group of dictators against the wishes of the people at the Centre as well as in the States.
I applaud the coalition partners mainly USA, France, Britain and other countries for stopping Ghaddafi and his soldiers from killing and raping his own people in Libya I also applaud NATO for taking full control of stopping Ghaddafi from doing any further harm to civilian Libyans. By this action of theirs, it is once again proved that World will be better protected only by the democratic West and NOT by India, China, Russia and their impotent partners who like to watch as silent spectators when Ghaddafis kill and maim their own people for asking democracy and more democratic rights in their own countries. All the Ghaddafis in the world especially in the Middle East must go either peacefully or forcefully. Then only there will be peace in this region.
If you are concerned about Goa, support your fellow Banaulekars in their "just fight" to save their land from being forcefully taken away from them, and given to others. If you are a sports lover, check-out on the great "daylight robbery" and a "fraud" on Goan football (an issue that rocked Goa Assemby yesterday).
The article that appeared on Herald (pg 7, dated 30 March 2011) in this regard, is reproduced for your kind reference...
A. Veronica Fernandes thanks for another article. Indian Rule specially s in Goa is not a democratic one. The central government calls the shots while our Goan ministers satisfy them.
ReplyDeleteGreat writing Mr Veronica, India truely showed how impotent it is. When one dictator is slaughtering it's own people, rest of the democratic nations are bound to protect them and in such situation UN along with it's members US, Britain France and rest of the members unlcuding Arab State memebrs like Qatar and UAE made right decision by contributing their forces to protect the Citizens from the brutality of this heartless Dictator. But India acted like puppet siding with Dictator nations. As veronica said, during Middle East war India remianed neutral, as if why to bother for others. With this kind of attitude, what India is trying to prove or proclaim is this a Damocratic Country?. This shows India is also not Damocratic nation but rather Autocratic nation. I feel, if Goan people starts their revolution for their right of Indepence, India will also act like Ghadafi by slaughtering Goan people to suppress their voice and the same thing is happening in Kashmir there is no doubt in it.
ReplyDeleteWhat many people don't know is that INDIA was the First country in the World to Bomb its own Citizens. The Indian Airforce bomb many places in Mizoram in 1966. Their only fault was they were fighting for Independence from Indian Union.
Today these same Hypocrites Indians are supporting Libyan Dictator who kills his own people.
Gandhi is the biggest HOAX of all time, he was the mother of all racist.
ReplyDeleteIt's a pity that Goa can't participate in FIFA alone.
mog assundi
Mr Veronica, you previous articles clearly show your hatred for india. Well you are free to hate/dislike as per your whims and fancies. but please research the facts in detail than start calling country like India a Goat. India isnt perfect. Oh by the way, did you have a chance to study the UN resolution? Did the sponsors of the resolution have a clear road map as what they want to achieve?What probably you might not know is that despite the indian government claiming indians were evacuated quite a large number indians still remain. If gaddafi can kill his own people why will he spare indians? The fact that that India and others abstained from voting the resolution passed. Do note that India or the others did not vote against the resolution, If they had done that then you allegation of supporting gaddafi had some weight to it.
ReplyDeleteYour democratic west waited till gadaffis forces were outside benghazi. why the wait?Every country as problems (even Kuwait)and has to play its cards to suit its needs, not your needs or that of the democratic west or anyone else.
ReplyDeleteFor your kind information India like always has joined hand with other big GOATS, (birds of a feather flock to-gether).
Brazil, China, Russia - in these countries human rights have no value. for Eg. Brasil is a rich nation, but here the Humans specially the poor are treated like dirt, for eg. Rîo and Sao Paulo. I dont have to speak about China nor Russia, both these countries the citizens are commodities not human. (A fool like you will always supports another Fool, in your case you prove to be a fool)
Do you still believe that India invaded Goa to fill Goa with Ghanties? Here only Russia supported India and Nehru lost his face in the world arena. There was no corruption in Goa, until some Invaders brought this virus to my Country Goa. A day will be dawn, when we will be Independent.
Shubash you are absolutely correct the congress ministers have turned out to Be the backside lickers to the central government, the prime example is the Pig of Varca who is representing Navelim.
ReplyDeleteWith all due respect Mr.Lopes, I disagree with many of your comments . but again I believe everyone is entitled to a opinion. In my comment to Mr.Veronica I had laid out the facts relating to Libya. Poor are treated like dirt in every country (including the west) and is not exclusive to BRIC, although one has to accept that there are excesses. Corruption is a universal phenomena, I dont know how you can claim there was NO corruption in goa prior to 1961 without giving anything to back it up with facts other than your own opinion.
ReplyDeletePrior to 1961, my house did not have proper doors, nor did we lock our houses. in the Indian Occupied GOA my house is like a fortress. We have more Iron on our doors and windows then we have in our foundation of our house. "Does this answer your question"
ReplyDeleteBribes were something that was not heard of. Prior to 1961 we had clear Personal Identification and records. In the Indian Occupied GOA, there is no proper Identification and the population of 1.35 Million so called citizen of Goa, we have 1.63 Million ration card holders. "Please do the Math"
You can call me simply Pedro, If the maker of Goa, the Portuguese were foreigners then the Invaders "Indians" who are they, "Devils in disguise" Prior to 1961 Parents used to tell the children don't go out in the afternoon or at night, "there are Ghost outside" after the invasion, the parent say, "there are Indians outside".
If you still need more facts, please feel free to ask, it will be my or some other NG's pleasure answering you.
Or if you are not a fool, please let me know how Goa is prosporous after the Invasion, please let us know the pleasures the invaders have living in houses the Portuguses made out of love to Goa. Or how Football was killed for a lausy Cricket game.
India used Airforce to attack its own people
ReplyDeleteNow I can say on top of my voice " Birds of a feather flock and kill their own citizens to-gether"
Rightly pointed out by Pedro Lopes...Gandhi and Nehru decided the fate of millions of Indian and screwed Goan happiness.
Indian leaders under the guise of majority of Indians were illiterate back in 1947.. blindly followed these leaders as the yoke of slavery was too heavy for them at that particular time .Even the constitution of this Great INDIA was written over night one Doctor.
All was fine as long as it was need of an hour at that particular time to get British our of India and get freedom
Now after 60 years of Independence still INDANS are still ignorant even WHEN they acquired Education from the west that they living a DAY DREAM in their OWN INDIA...Did anybody understand anything?Even cricket they fancy is western sport.
My point is ..
As Democracy was copied version of the western idealogy which Indian situably adopted as they are masters for copying and living in democractic deception. However ,It was need of an hour at that time in 1947 later as Indians got educated and understood democracy like me . We had to change this BLOODY OBSOLETE BLUE PRINT OF THE GOVERNANCE WHICH WAS COPIED FROM THE BRITISH AND THAT IS MAJOR REASON WE ARE now in a POSITION AND SUTATION WHERE BRITISH LEFT US ONLY TO FIND US TO BE RULE OUR OWN CORRUPT LEADERS.. CAN ANY INDAIN UNDERSTAND WHAT KIND OF CHANGE WE WANT??
FIRST INDIAN AND GOANS MUST UNDERSTAND WHY WE GOT IN THIS MESS INORDER TO GET OUT OF THIS CORRUPT GOVERNANCE.and I can see Indians are all going into circles with inumerous NGOS and agencies for various issues like children fighting for candies.
Democracy have left them deluded and eluded and clueess hapless victims to their own leaders.
we need a NEW SYSTEM AS PER OUR INDIAN CIVILIZATION and past as each state is unique and we have to preserve and guard that and mapped it for federal governance as per our resources. FOR GOVERNANCE WHICH IS RESOURCE BASED AND NOT MONETARY BASED AND BIASED FISCAL POLICIES....INDIAN DAT HEADS CANNOT GET STRAIGHT!!!
They need to be ruled /exploited and oppressed to think properly for a new revolution for freedom and unity resource based goverment ...For indians there is a long way to of now they are under hallucination of democracy and bribing their way out for easy life...of high industrail growth by further exploitation and destruction of Indian land and resources.. Indians are on all time high HALLUCINATION of industrial growth BY DESTROYING FERTILE LAND which is creating more and more opportunities through destruction of India and then systematically displacing massive Indian labor force from traditional sustainable economic model to Industrial consumption on high dose feel goood fix!! ...............Welcome to Enjoy Indian Party..........
Once the party is over..ANARCHY WILL DESCEND ON INDIA as it cannot handle such a situation....It is actually weak and unprepared for that matter!.
I preassume you are elder to me and hence I addresed you by your surname, out of respect offcourse. Honestly, i would be worried in the foundation of my house was not reinforced.I was wondering which question you are refering to as my question was only related to corruption and not the prevalent security in Goa. I know for a fact that there is a lot of corruption in handing out the ration cards and doing my math wont resolve that. Again bribes were unheard prior to 1961, I was told the same by my elders, I dont have any evidence to disprove this. But the question is why are bribes being paid to today and who pays the bribes.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I am aware people from my village still tell their kids that do not go out in the afternoon and after amori because bad spirits are out at these times, In my expereince I have never heard anyone say " there are indians outside" and I believe this to be a gross exageration on your part.
If I need facts I shall ask the the people who are well versed on the topics related to to my question.
I have never mentioned in any of my comments that Goa as prospered after 1961 (althought It had and has all the right ingredients to prosper). People other goans who live in houses built during the portuguese era are because people who owned these houses sold it to them. That does not mean the buyers are at fault. Why questions are not raised on Goans selling their property?
Calling any game lousy points to a unsportmanship attitude, how can any game be lousy? just because you dont like it. I personally prefer football. The issue regarding cricket bulldozing all other sports in india is well documented. But the the reason why football isnt rising in partly to due to crickets popularity and funding and partly due to inefficient people administrating football in India and Goa. I believe there are not many non goans in GFA, than what is stopping GFA from surging forward?
As for name calling and calling people fools just because they have different opinion and they question your own opinion is an indicator of your inability to undertake a clean debate. From your othere posts there has being a tendency to silence your critics by the same tactics of name calling. Is this what you want in your "independant Goa", name calling critics because they dont agree with you. if yes than how different is your approach from what is followed by the present lot of what you term as " crumb eaters".
Oh by the way, w.r.t to libya, my information regarding Indians nationals in libya comes from my friends who are fighting Gaddafi, 1 of whom was killed a two weeks back.
You don't call nobody a fool, I do when I feel the person is, You stated and started "Mr Veronica, your previous articles clearly show your hatred for india" When someone tells the truth you feel it's hatred.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you're a Goan or an Indian. Believe me your thinking will defer from mine or any NG's if you are an Indian and do you think that India is a part of Goa or Goa is a part of India or do you believe we Goans should be Independent and live our own lives.
If you had true Goan Blood running in you, you would have known the houses built in olden days were not of Concrete, as concrete needs Iron. Most of the Olden days houses were made of thick walls and with red stones called "Chiras" they still use these stones to make boundary walls.
In the late 1800's or the 19th century Cricket was founded in Lords. This game was a pass time for the rich Englanders. In cricket there is one batting, one ready to run, one behind the Wicket to catch the ball if it comes to him, one to throw the ball and 9 scattered around standing the whole day, where tea breaks are common every hour. The opposite team sits in the pavilion and wait their turn to bat, this lousy game goes on for a day or for 5 days. The rest of Indian 1.3 Billion population has 5 days to waste. Still worse when a loose ball is bowled - a six is shot, fools claim it as a very good shot. (This game should be banned all over the world, no wonder this game has no place in the Olympics just like Gandhi never got a noble price but a bullet for his sin)
Any way thank you for taking time to write and to reply to me. I see you love Goa but have a soft corner for India. In life one should know where to place the Cart, in front of the Bullock or behind the Bullock. (Smart guys have it behind the Bullock)
Mog Assundi
When I say invaders staying in Portuguese built houses, I was not referring to people who bought the houses from the Goans. Here there is a communication problem. (What I meant is the invaders, for e.g. the Governor where is he staying?, the Bombay high court, the Military and the Navy headquarters whose houses were they?, did the invaders pay the Portuguese or the Goans? or as they and we say, it's day light robbery.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your friend who lost his live for Democracy. His sacrifice will not go in waste. Will your invader Indian Government will bring his remains back? to give a martyrs funeral in India!!!
Your question regarding bribes, this system of Bukshis was brought in by the invaders, the Government officials got corrupt with the virus and now this virus is become a standard of Goan life, If I wouldn't give any bribes today, It's like I would be insulting Gandhi and the Indian government.
If you have the time please let me know the right ingredients, does your ingredients consist of Congress, BJP, NCP and other corrupt parties.
On the contrary you have made a habit of calling anyone who has something different than your own opinion as fools and what not. Only history and facts can tell who is a fool, not feelings. solely relying feelings has mostly led to the person getting these feelings a fool. I wonder what I started as you claim in your comment above, I merely stated a fact based on evidence, not my feelings. For the record I am a Goan and a Indian, and I really dont care what you or anyone else thinks about it as long as my thinking, my ideas are positive, realistic and help Goa.I am also saying that goa is a part of India. All this I say based on present day reality, not something imagined.
ReplyDeleteIf people agree to you than they have goan blood if they disagree they don't? I have lived in a house made of mathi and fator in goa but this knowledge does make my blood more goan than any other goan who does know about these houses.
Game is a game, you dont like cricket fair enough, but that does not mean it should be banned, because you have issues with it.
The guy who was killed was a libyan, so really dont see your point in getting him to India. I think you misunderstood what i said.
Regarding bribes, my question was "But the question is why are bribes being paid to today and who pays the bribes."not who started them. Even then it is quite difficult to prove what you say. The government officials who take bribes make a choice, but what has Gandhi and the Indian government got to do with it. If I/you wouldn't give any bribes today, thats it is a good example for others and for sure it does not insult anyone.
Regarding what you terms as invaders living in governors palace, goans also have the same opportunities. Regarding Bombay branch of high court in Goa, it should have been Goa high court long time ago and efforts need to be put to achieve this, There are no Navy Headquarters in Goa. but referring to INS HANSA, military camps in bambolim and navelim, they are not required because strategically they dont have a purpose (Navy has INS Kadamba).
As is your style, you have insinuated what my reference to Ingredients is. Some of the ingredients are Educated youth (not just literate), Experience of elders (not venom as spilled in another article on this blog), debates to spawn new positive ideas ( not to stifle them).
I had similar opinion to yours when I was a teenager, but coming in contact with other people from India, other cultures of the world and a good look at what is realistic my opinions have changed.
I agree 100% with you that In life one should know where to place the Cart, I hope you did the same. I dont need to, because I neither have a BhoilGadho nor the bhoils, I am happy to drive my pick-up truck.(I have seen to that the pick-up truck is working)
Mog sodanch asundi, ani mogachea bhorobon monant and kalzant xanthi bhi asundi.
You should read the above link, if you are an Indian.
Tum Goenkar nuu, loz disso na thuka indian mundpak.
either you did not read my comment or you were going to say whatever you said anyway.I said "For the record I am a Goan and a Indian" you conveniently missed the goan part. Just because you say "Tum Goenkar nuu" does make it true. Loz dispak kiten punn vait korpak zai. Sarken ulloun loz dispachi ghoroz maka nha, nha munn ani konak aspak zai. One more thing manadik lopes, Calm down and think, your blaming indians, non-goans and whoever else who does not agree with you will not solve any of goa's problem. What it will do is make you feel and feed your discontent and anger and instead of using you valuable time and talents to benefit goa you will be going in a vicious circle of the blame game again and again. The Choice (as always) in yours
ReplyDeleteAs for the link above, I have read the article, If it is true , than the guilty should be punished. I have never advocated India, Indians or its armed forces are pure saints. Infact I know about many excess of the IA (without Officer sanction). Crimes like rape should be punished severely and if the people were not bought to justice than they should be brought to justice now. If the 5 sardajis are still alive they can still be brought to justice (for which input from Mr.Gomes will prove valuable), if not IA held responsible. Demanding justice on a blog will not lead to justice. we Solid evidence to nails the criminals will. Commiting crime on innocent people should never go unpunished, not for anyone and especially for soldiers.
By saying you're a Goan does not make you a Goan. By the way in reality you don't know who I am nor what I do for my Goans in and out of GOA.
ReplyDeletewell i dont have to prove to you how much goan i am nor do i have to meet your skewed criteria of who a goan should the way, your comment applies to you also. i am not interested in knowing who you are, but since you say you do a lot for goans,please keep up the good work.