Saturday, 12 March 2011


The clock is ticking ........if it has a chime then hope it is for whom the bells toll. Even though cash for votes is awash even more than the bank of England or Wall Street and changing hands faster than Babush can change a baby’s diaper it is never too late..........
In just over 12 hours time is the CCP Panjim elections not just to elect ward representatives based on honesty, integrity and competence but a real battle for the hearts and minds of Panjimites to effect real and sustainable change for the better!!!  The outcome of this will in some way impact on future elections and marches and initiatives.  so between now and when we get to the polling booth, ask yourselves two crucial questions
1. What does it profit me if i gain every refrigerator, coloured TV, cash, bicycle and the whole world and suffer the loss of my soul by accepting the bribe and voting for the corrupt candidate
2. Go to Church, the Temple or the Mosque before going to the polling booth and ask god to give you the strength and courage and peace of mind to repent for accepting any bribes and seek his mercy by promising to vote for the honest competent candidate
Collectively lets do all we can to achieve our goal. Make all Panjimites aware!!!!
Remember 12 hours is all we have to save Panjim  In ward 30, Ribandar, make everyone aware that they should vote for adv Aires Rodrigues, symbol ball and help get the vote out to the booth tomorrow Sunday 13 march 2011.


  1. I dont mind as long as honest candidate win the election but I dont thrust Aires as he can put the ball in his own net. when we learn the past of the candidate we can predict the future.

  2. Vishwas Prabhudesai12 March 2011 at 20:39

    The voters of Panaji are educated and supposed to be knowing their obligations towards the society.It will be interesting to learn as to whether they vote for the corrupt criminals by accepting money and other gifts and liquor --or they will vote for the honesty and probity in public life.The election results will be an index of the degeneration of the society --whether the society has totally degenerated or still the values and morals are respected....

  3. N.Fernandes_London13 March 2011 at 00:53

    No doubt, Babush will be rolling his short sleeved shirt in his customary "THUG STYLE" or "GOONDA STYLE", to show his muscles, and will parade his and his wife`s arse at various Polling Booths.No doubt he will be seen in his expensive vehicles as it reflects his outer power , not his inner evil.
    I would recomend Babush, to some dental treatment with Dr Hubert Gomes as soon as the electionin over.
    No doubt Mickky Pacheco, will be parading his scratchy balls in Panjim too.He is best mates with Babush on the quiet.
    Today must be a rest day for the Churchills.He will be in Novangully,Varca counting all the weeks commissions, his daughter has faithfully and obediently collected during the week gone by.It will also be a day, when he wll be planning how to increase his Gold loot in Dubai (a sacred hobby from his past days of smuggling), where he will attend a Tiatr organsed by his Dhiram ARS- LICKERS.I am still awaiting for their names for an expose`.
    To day will also be the Feast day of the devil Babush and his collection of "History Sheeters".
    I will not be surprised if "CREDIT NOTES" or "PROMISORY NOTES", have been given to some voters,to come and collect their cash and goodies after the Elections.I hope the Election Commissioner will take note of this loophole.
    I am sure now that Deu Benaulikar has been demoted to Ponda, by the Election Commissioner,he can indulge in toning up his "HUMPTY DUMPTY" physique.Perhaps he may try looking like "MICHELIN MAN",the symbol of a famous tyre company or "BRUTUS" from Popeye!.

  4. Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! That's a good one N. Fernandes. Michelim Man and Popeye. No one could have put it better. You are great Man!

  5. The decision of the people lies sealed in the ballot boxes. Let us pray that monsters and monster rats don't get elected this time. As long as people keep electing uneducated, goonda politicians like Monster rats, nothing will change. This is the experiment for us to see that change.

  6. I pray to God to bring in the change now in this election as we will get to see if we have really made a difference. If the result is not in favour of the common man then me friends we have a lot more work to do. They younger generation will have to be educated as they might get side tracked by the gifts and money. Our yougsters are our pride and they will bring in the change and take Goa ahead.

  7. Yes john, you are absolutely right. GOA NEEDS A RATIONAL REVOLUTION AMONG ITS PEOPLE.

  8. Dear Noel and all of you and full of INDIA IS DRUGGED and DUPED with this so called DEMOCRACY..

    I think I am fortunate and one of 2 billion Indian who thinks that we need MASSIVE OVERHAUL CHANGE in so called DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE OF INDIA which is obsolete model of Governance which is proved serval times by SCAMS ,BRIBES and CORRUPT RULE by illiterate Politicians. This form of governance only establised THUG RULE. Indians and Goans must understand that we have to get rid of this COLONIAL REMINANT which was put in place by British under guise of Democracy and againw e are under the yoke of Slavery, This time under our own corrupt Politicians. Who one day will dispose India to NATO /WORLD BANK and IMF.. This is the outcome od Democracy. It already into works only its the matter of time as Industrial growth fails the bubble will burst and India will drown with debt like the west. We are now having the party and we are drugged and drunk and hallucinated with paper monies and large worthless foreign reserves. Its a bubble which will expolde in our it happed with IT...This Growth is a day dream.

    Please you all rethink where is the source of this problems??? I think you all are running after a bubble and time is coming that it will burst in our faces, Wake up GOANS and INDIANS.

    USA and EUROPE only knows the hidden truth of Democracy!!!..Gang rule of Oligarchs, Serves only vested state policy Interests... In INDIA The politicians are only used as Cannon fodder even they are also major players and Bureacrats are there permenanlty to take care of corruption becoz its their bread and butter. We need overhaul the entire system like EYGPT which was installed by Gandhi and Nehru through British Blueprint at the time in 1947 when majority of India was illiterate and uneducated..This is the Truth and this is the point !!!That is why we are unhappy with the Goverment system as of today in INDIA and we have massive Scams over Scams..We need to scrap this system and re establish our civil liberties and CHANGE for better..we NEED A THIRD FRONT AT THIS HOUR


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