Monday, 14 March 2011


Looks like the MP Naik is suffering from an acute bout of constipation, one day he come out with a good article with overwhelming thoughts of Goa and Goans and the next thing we hear absurdity and profanity oozing out of him.
His statement that increase in the export duty on ore could ruin Goa’s economy is hard to digest that it’s coming from a liberal mind. Monetary gains over the quality of life or life itself of the people at large. I would like to remind MP Naik that what’s in the underbelly of Goa belongs to all Goans to be used for the benefit of all Goans and not the prerogative of one or a handful of persons, what’s in the underbelly of Goa is not their maternal nor paternal inheritance nor their acquirements, by the virtue of being Goans we are entitled to the national wealth and treasures of Goa.
His ignorance comes to the fore as he tries to justify income generation for private entities over the welfare of large parts of Goa which are directly affected by the ills of mining and their miseries multiplied and magnified. In reality the whole of Goa could be affected if remedial steps are not taken to preserve and protect our environment, ecology and our water bodies, where water tables have sunk to an all time low and our rivers and their tributaries silted and marine life fast disappearing, forests have been eaten up, fields are made barren and left scorched, by the mining dust and I am astounded that MP Mr. Naik has the time and the luxury to even contemplate on the income generation for a few elite.
MP Naik should live in hinterland where both legal as well as illegal mining thrives, for a month or so and then, may be he would realize the agony and the misery that the people in hinterland are mired in as a direct result of mining. Can MP Naik get his priorities right or has he already got them right ? As support for the mining industry, could generate personal wealth as well as funds for the next election. Who are the poor suckers here?

1 comment:

  1. Bitter truth
    the prayers are getting answered

    bitter truth


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