For some people slapping a Priest isn’t an act of violence, rather its manipulated allegations, but when the community rises to defend the parish priest it is violence. Only law experts can say this because only they know all the loopholes of the law in proving the impotence of our police stations when it comes to enforcing law and order. Only they know when to make a character fictitious when it suits them! Do we need to be told that in the present scenario in India the worst of the criminal gets acquitted because of corrupt practices in our law system?
There are a few disgruntled Catholics in Goa who are using are creating opportunities of their own to spew their venom against the priest and our religious authorities, for their own selfish gains. Please can you tell us what you want the priest and our other religious authorities to do? Why isn’t it enough that the priests in their sermons tell us not to be non-violent and fall prey to worldly pleasures? Or do you want them to file defamation cases when we know no one will be punished as the present judiciary are not so much experts on the law and because the law experts themselves preach us that the “LAW IS AN ASS” in India. Isn’t it time we immediately stop blaming the Church and Priests and rather support them as they still continue doing great service to our mankind. Stop writing and making blasphemous things about them even if it is fictitious.
Our Church and religious authorities have atleast kept the ‘Goemkarpon’ by being vocal in trying to protect our social lives; otherwise the successive governments in Goa would have easily replaced us with non-Goans because they are more suited to our politicians. Ever since our liberation our Governments has been working with great enthusiasm in acquiring lands of our poor farmers and agriculturists to make way for development of the rich people and the migrant poor. Our first CM gifted free of charge, huge tract of land to Tata for their hotel in Sinquerim. Inspite of Supreme Court directives, our present CM passes an ordinance to acquire the footpath area at Vaiguinim beach, so that his relative’s hotel can benefit. CRZ demolitions are seen to be selective so five star hotels can be safeguarded while the poor Goan fisherman continues to be threatened by our coastal village panchayat. A Deputy Collector disobeys the order of Minister and refrains from demolishing a Russian owned illegally constructed hotel in North Goa. Nowadays some hotels and building companies have started a novel way to fool the locals either by doing social activities like development of small garden or clearing of shrubs just to eye while they themselves clear big trees to make way for multi-storied buildings and row-house and bungalows much to the detriment of our Goan ecology.
Land has been acquired in due haste at Mopa so an international airport can be constructed BUT ONLY AFTER THE MINING LOBBY WHICH INCIDENTALLY IS MADE UP OF RELATIVES OF OUR CM AND ALL OUR POLITICIANS, HAVE HAD THEIR FILL AFTER EXTRACTING THE BAUXITE ORE. Why can’t we tell the Navy to shift its base to Karwar or out of Goa and expand our own civilian airport at Dabolim. As it is the defence establishment has been using huge amount of our prime land in Goa when actually there is no need of it so. What purpose does it serve to have an engineering workshop right in the heart of Panjim, and mind you, this is just one instant of their greed. In between fertile agricultural land was acquired for truck terminal, PPP Medical projects, sports city, building of slum colonies under National housing programmes and for distributing to migrants who are our politicians vote bank. More & more land was acquired for Industrial Estates and for promoting SEZ. Middleman have been having a grandeur feast in these Industrial Estates by taking possession of the plots in the name of fictitious companies and then subsequently selling them for ten times the purchase price while the original land owner comprising mostly our poor farmers get minuscule compensation, All this in the name of development of Goa. And now a highly learned way to acquire more land and more land for new type of complexes, called “Educational Complexes” in every village of Goa. Who says you need to pass SSC to come up with brilliant ideas. We all know the intentions of our politicians in acquiring our lands are to create wealth for themselves and their ten generations and that too at the cost of our poor farmers.
Our dear sport of Football, which has brought so many laurels to our Goa, is being given a burial nowadays only because the sports authorities in Goa have found lucrative sport of Cricket to make quick money. A mass demonstration is required to strip and terminate the services of the ED of SAG(V. M. Prabhudesai) of his post as he with criminal intent has ordered the digging up of the ground at Fatorda even before the one-day match allocation was decided. We people have to come on to the streets till this criminal is forcefully retired as otherwise he will bring a demise to all our other sports. Our SAG and even DYSA have got no time to accord welcome to our petite chess queens like Ivana and Riddhi even as they continue bringing fame to Goa by winning Gold medals at International and National levels.
It’s time we wake up from our deep slumber and retire all the rotten crooks so we stop them from looting and plundering us even in our graves. Let us march to our second liberation so we are free in our paradise.
It’s time we wake up from our deep slumber and retire all the rotten crooks so we stop them from looting and plundering us even in our graves. Let us march to our second liberation so we are free in our paradise.
NIZ GOENKAR ADDS: Goa only had Occupation over Occupation in the name of Liberations the Indians grabbed it with the help of thieves like Naguesh Karmali and other beggars known as freedom fighters. We indeed need a Liberation from this burden of yoke under the Indian Rule.
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